You Can Make an Impact! The Simple, Transformative Power of DMM

Disciple Making Movements aim not just to bring people to follow Jesus, but also to equip them to share their salvation with others. Each new believer becomes a producer of new life, not just a passive consumer whose only engagement with the Church is sitting in a pew. 

Trent Redmann, head of ministry partnerships for the Salvation Poem Project, expressed his excitement on our podcast about seeing the potential of the impact that [a believer] can have on the world. . . . “Coming from a background where oftentimes people thought the biggest role they could play was inside of the four walls of a traditional church—to see people released now and making worldwide impact because of a desire to multiply other disciples is so transformative.”

You don’t have to go across the world to share the Good News—you can be a part of it from your living room and in your neighborhood

Trent mentors a network of “micro-churches” in his home city of Minneapolis. When a college student in the network started a DMM group in a local park, two Somali men from the surrounding neighborhood approached the group and asked to join. They began to engage with Scripture, joining the community of Christ. After four weeks of learning together, the group travelled to a worship service where one of the Somali men decided on the spot to be baptized. That story, Trent says, is “just another great illustration of just how powerful it is to simply do church together.”

Do you want to follow Jesus and spread His Gospel? If you don’t know where to start, our free, 10-session online course will help you become a disciple who makes disciples. 

We often see our options for church involvement as too limited, held within the structure of a traditional church. But there is a place for you in the worldwide body of believers, and you can be a part of it through disciple-making movements.