You are probably familiar with the benefits of Zúme. Animated videos, statistic maps, a downloadable guidebook, a podcast—all designed to equip people to effectively train disciples who make disciples. Ten free lessons available in over forty different languages to anyone with an internet connection. But what about the people without an internet connection? What about… Read more »
Tech and the Gospel – Breakthrough Uses of Micro-SD Cards
Right now, you can access Zúme’s resources at, you can find population maps and podcast episodes on, you can download the guidebook and get resources on the app in dozens of languages. There are plenty of ways to access our resources online or to download them for offline use. But what do you… Read more »
What If There’s No Internet? Could Smartphone Flash Drives Help You Share the Gospel?
There are so many creative ways to use technology to advance the Kingdom. One neat tool you might not think of is a micro-SD smartphone adaptor: basically a flash drive for smartphones, which can connect via USB C or micro-USB. Instead of purchasing individual SD cards to be installed on people’s phones, this adaptor can… Read more »
How Special Projectors Can Help Find Seekers and Start Simple Churches
Some of the best stories come when people see a gap in what could be done, and their first step is to say, “What can I do to help?” That’s what happened in 1998, when David Palusky and a small team traveled into the Amazon rainforest of Peru. David responded to the struggles of the… Read more »
Heart Language Translation’s Critical Impact on Personal Connection with God
There are up to 7,000 languages spoken in the world, 90% of which are spoken by less than 100,000 people, according to the BBC. That’s a lot of languages, many of which are not shared by large groups of people. Does that mean that translating Scripture and biblical resources into more languages is a waste… Read more »
Are Evangelistic Strategies Holding Us Back? Use Your Curiosity to Share God’s Word
If you were asked, “What evangelistic strategy is the best,” what would be your answer? Would you cite Zúme, or disciple making movements, or your own personal system? Is it even a helpful question? God’s world is more diverse and unique than we often can realize, and it is changing at a remarkable pace. What… Read more »
Your Skills and Creativity are Holy in God’s Kingdom
In Exodus 31, God commissions the craftsman Bezalel, son of Uri, “to make artistic designs for work in gold, silver and bronze, to cut and set stones, to work in wood, and to engage in all kinds of crafts.” More importantly, he “filled him with the Spirit of God.” This is the first mention in… Read more »
What Does It Mean to Be a Disciple Worth Multiplying?
What is the true measure of faith in Jesus? It might be praying a special prayer or believing that Jesus is who he says he is or going to church every week or meeting with other believers. It might be learning about theology or serving in a church or ministry. But what is lacking in… Read more »
How Can Zúme and the Salvation Poem Project Work Together?
Trent Redmann had been a pastor in the American church for years, with “no idea of what God was doing around the world,” until he got the opportunity to sit in on a small group in Thailand. He realized that “there is so much power in the life of every single believer who is focused… Read more »
What is the Salvation Poem Project, and How Does It Work?
Matthew McPherson, founder of the Salvation Poem Project, wrote the titular poem to be a simple, memorable six lines long. “You play the song, the Salvation Poem, to any child, sometimes one or two or three times, and they know the song already,” says Matthew. Since it was written, the poem has been translated into… Read more »