Hi, my name’s Curtis Sergeant and I’ll be sharing with you this course on multiplication concepts.
The purpose of series is to introduce you to the basic concepts of multiplying disciples and simple churches. It’s about about the WHAT not the HOW — this is TEACHING, not TRAINING. But it will set the foundation that will help you learn how to multiply disciples and simple churches.
Multiplication Concepts
1 – Importance of Multiplication
So why should we even talk about the importance of multiplying disciples? It’s because it’s something that’s important to God.
2 – Simple Church
So what is a church? Well in the Bible, the word church is mainly used in three different ways. (1) Universal Church, (2) Regional Church, (3) House Church (i.e. Simple Church)
3 – Every Disciple A Multiplier
So who needs to multiply? Every disciple needs to multiply. Explore this example from the Marines: Every marine a rifleman.
4 – Spiritual Economy
The spiritual economy is based on me getting profit or gaining from what I give away. This is the opposite of the earthly economy.
5 – Love Means Obedience
Somehow the word obedience has come to have a negative connotation. That’s just not true in the Bible. Love means obedience.
6 – Duckling Disciples
Duckling disciples realize that you don’t have to be a mature duck to lead a duckling, you just have to be one step ahead of the duckling behind you.
7 – Greatest Blessing
The greatest blessing helps me identify people that I especially want to focus extra attention and effort in coaching. Those who are following and leading.
8 – Eyes to See Where The Kingdom Isn’t
One thing that every disciple needs to be equipped in is to have eyes to see where the kingdom isn’t. We’re naturally wired to look at what is. Our eyes are drawn to what is. But we need to develop eyes to see where the kingdom isn’t.
9 – Relational Stewardship
We need to equip every disciple to view the world through two sets of lenses. One lens is those people with whom they have ongoing relationships. The other lens is every people, tribe, tongue, and nation.
10 – Persons of Peace
The person of peace is a concept that relates to the world beyond our ongoing network of relationships. This is the second lens that we want to equip everyone to look through, to see, to keep in mind all people of every people group, tribe, tongue, and nation and you use different filters.
11 – Prayer Walking Evangelism Story
Evangelism can be done through prayer walking. This can be a most effective way to share your faith. Hear this prayer walking evangelism story.
12 – Self Feeding
Disciples who multiply must be trained to be self-feeding spiritually, and to use the bible, prayer, body life, and suffering as instruments of growth.
13 – Training Cycle
The training cycle (Model, Assist, Watch, and Leave) is a simple way to help someone reach full maturity in all the skills of following and leading others.
14 – Pace
Pace, speed, and tempo really to matter in multiplication of disciples making disciples and churches planting churches.
15 – Being Part of Two Churches
One thing that helps make simple churches multiply is that there’s an expectation that every person will be part of two churches.
16 – What About Heresy?
The bottom line is we’ve never found any significant heresy problems in these disciple making movements. We’ve wrongly estimated orthodoxy over orthopraxy.
17 – Leadership Cells
Leadership cells can be used to equip people before they move on. So in church planting, we can use leadership cells to equip people to start new churches.
18 – Non-sequential
We need to break our pattern of restricting ourselves to a linear sequential process as we pursue disciple making movements. Expect non-sequential growth.
19 – Love Like Hell
In hell, a rich man showed his concerned love for lost family members, asking Abraham to warn them. We need the same love. We need to love like hell!
20 – Jesus Was A Bad Marketer
Jesus was a bad marketer. He focused on the few, not the masses. He pushed for a few with the right motives rather than many with mixed motives.
21 – How Big Is Your God
How big is your God? We all have God in a box limited by our own finite minds and faith, and the process of being a disciple is expanding that box.
22 – Abraham Was Worth Reproducing
If the great commandment is to love God with all our heart, mind, soul, and strength, then the natural outcome of that kind of love will be immediate, radical, costly obedience. We need to be disciples worth reproducing.
23 – Called To Burma
Learn through the story of this unnamed believer the kind of immediate, radical, costly obedience that God delights to multiply.
24 – Jonathan’s Faith
Jonathan’s faith: Focused not on things on the earth but in heaven, living a life of faith, willing to sacrifice everything for the sake of God’s glory.
25 – Expectant Faith
Expectant faith is the kind that God delights to multiply and we cannot be satisfied with anything less.
26 – Networks
When you’ve got multiple simple churches how do they relate to one another well? Typically this happens in networks.
27 – Four Fields
The four fields diagnostic chart is a simple tool to be used by a leadership cell to reflect on the status of current efforts and the Kingdom activity around them.
28 – Bias Toward Action
Anything worth doing — is worth doing poorly — it’s worth failing at. We need a bias toward action. We need to be dissatisfied with status quo.
Next Steps
Many of these concepts have been packaged into a self-facilitated training you can access for free at Zúme.Training. This training is not only build for small groups to gather and grow together in these principles, but it is also in process of being translated into 40 top global languages.