Imagine a football stadium full of people. Thousands upon thousands of people blur together in the stands, focused on the handful of players on the faraway field. Most are just watching, spectators only.
Now “imagine a stadium where everybody’s playing.” That’s the image that Eric Derry, vice president of Team Expansion, asks us to consider. “Everybody gets to play in this game of life that the Lord created us for.” Everyone in the body of Christ has their own part to play. “There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord” (1 Cor. 12:5).
Go to the homepage of Zúme.Vision and scroll down. There, you’ll see constantly changing numbers listing those born with no access to the Gospel today and those who have died without Christ today. Those numbers are sobering, but they were never meant to be the end of the story.
On the same page are maps, one of which shows what people around the world are doing on Zúme right now. Eric’s friend and coworker, Doug, says that Eric opens it up “so much,” checking in, encouraged at how others are using Zúme’s tools to advance the Kingdom.
Eric’s work matches people up with where they can be involved, to find their position and get them on the playing field. What might your role be on that field? Take a look at the map, at all the people on your team, and ask where you fit in.
One great place to get started is with our Zúme.Training 10-session online course. You don’t need any training to step up—the course is the training! Get your friends together to join the field that wraps around the world.
Photo by Harrison Haines on Pexels