“Jesus told us to ask the Lord of the Harvest to raise up harvesters,” Doug Lucas says, referencing Matt. 9:37–38. “I’ve dedicated my life to that, and Eric has, too.”
Doug Lucas and Eric Derry lead Team Expansion, dedicated to multiplying and mobilizing disciples. “You’re mobilizing people to engage in—that’s part of the magic of it all—something that they would like to do,” says Eric. His enthusiasm shines through as he gushes about his work, getting people excited to join in God’s work.
“We’re talking about eternal consequences,” Eric adds, “so we want people to be engaged because the result is huge.” He wants to follow in the path of those in Scripture, saying, like John the Baptist, “Behold, the Lamb of God” (John 1:29). “God gave us a task.” Eric likens this task to that given to Ezekiel, whom God warns, “If I say to someone they’re surely going to die and you don’t speak up to save their life, I’m going to hold their blood at your hand” (paraphrased from Ezek. 3:18).
Doug sees Eric’s enthusiasm as part and parcel of mobilization. He quotes Frederick Buechner: “The place God calls you to is the place where your deep gladness and the world’s deep hunger meet.”
“That’s what we’re all looking for,” Doug says earnestly. “We’re looking for a place in life where we find a deep hunger in the world, and we match it with our deep gladness and God’s calling. If we could find a place where those three things come together, wouldn’t we be happy?”
Where do you see a deep hunger in the world? Where has God called you to begin?
Find more stories like Doug and Eric’s on our podcast, or join the Zúme community to spread the message God has for the world.
Photo by MinAn on Pexels