In Winnipeg, Steve sends SOAPS out to friends and acquaintances, Christians and atheists. One man calls back, saying, “When I read these, I’m crying, and the people on the bus think I’m crazy. So I don’t know if you should keep sending them or not, but I love them and I want you to keep doing it.”
But what are SOAPS? William Sawyer explains that the term is an acronym, standing for Scripture, Observation, Application, Prayer, and Sharing, or sending the message on. This is just one tool in the toolbox offered by Zúme Training. Simple as it is, it can have a big impact. You can send SOAPS to one person or 100, but the goal is to share.
Beth, William’s wife of 33 years, tells a story of sending a SOAP to a woman who texted back, “You’re kidding me! The scripture you chose was the exact scripture that the Lord showed me this morning!”
“She was so overwhelmed with it,” Beth shares, “she called her husband to share with him what happened.”
Beth and William have heard many stories like Steve’s above, and they want to see others pick up the tools they have been given—tools like SOAPS and the broader Zúme training—and apply them to their own lives.
“God didn’t promise that we would see the growth from the seed we plant, but He will water it and it will come,” says Beth. “Be patient. It’s great, it’s fun, and it’s great growing with brothers and sisters everywhere.”
For more stories of Zúme’s impact, check out the Zúme Multiplying Disciples Podcast—and to join yourself, take a look at our free online training. Grab a group of friends and work together through the 10 two-hour sessions to put your learning into practice in simple and effective ways.
Photo by Greta Hoffman on Pexels