Category: Small Groups
August 9, 2021

“More Disciples” adapts the Zúme Training

We at Zúme are excited about the model our friends at “More Disciples” are using to help members at local churches to transform, train, and thrive. They adapted the Zúme Training into TGroups — a 3-Thirds Group model, designed specifically for churches. A TGroup agrees to gather once each week for 15 weeks. Each meeting… Read more »

April 21, 2020

Micro Training for 3/3 Groups

Zúme Micro Training strategy helps groups and simple churches to share the 30 Zúme training concepts and tools in small, 15-minute sessions during your normal group meeting. TARGET AUDIENCE Groups or Simple Churches who want ongoing training as part of their group gatherings. Any size group that wants to help people grow as disciples who… Read more »

January 23, 2020

Taste of Zúme

Expose participants to a 4-hour ‘commercial’ of the training content from Zúme and equip them with a few skills for making disciples.