The spiritual economy is based on me getting profit or gaining from what I give away. This is the opposite of the earthly economy.
Every Disciple A Multiplier
So who needs to multiply? Every disciple needs to multiply. Every disciple is a multiplier of the kingdom of God. God’s chosen ambassador.
What is a Simple Church?
So what is a church? Well in the Bible, the word church is mainly used in three different ways. (1) Universal Church, (2) Regional Church, (3) House Church.
Why Multiplying Disciples is Important
So why should we even talk about the importance of multiplying disciples? It’s because it’s something that’s important to God.
Multiplication Concepts Course
The purpose of series “Multiplication Concepts” is to introduce you to basic concepts of multiplying disciples and simple churches as followers of Jesus.
The Only One: Living Fully In, By, and For God
We want to recommend “The Only One: Living Fully In, By, and For God” by Curtis Sergeant to the Zúme community and the wider movement family. You can get it free as an ebook or order a print version from This book is the result of a master trainer, who has coached and served… Read more »
Discovery Bible Study for New Believers
This discovery bible study series for new believers or for groups that want to increase their discipling focus.
Discovery Bible Study for Seekers
These two discovery bible studies designed for helping seekers work through the concepts of hope and the signs of Jesus for his identity of Messiah.
Starter Discovery Bible Study Series
This starter discovery bible study series is laid out to help new gatherings of believers practice 3/3 meeting pattern and focus on key principles for fruitfulness.
What is a Disciple Making Movement?
A Disciple making movement (DMM) previously referred to a specific approach to achieving a church planting movement primarily using Discovery Bible Studies and looking for households of peace, but has become adopted more widely and is now commonly applied to any effort using or aspiring to a church planting movement approach (CPM).