May 10, 2023

What’s the Deal with Zúme’s New Live Chat Feature?

If you have visited Zúme.Training recently, you may have wondered about the little Messenger icon that pops up. This icon, connected to Facebook’s Messenger system, is Zúme’s newest addition to its social media tools and opportunities: a live chat service! If you click on that icon, you will be able to ask a question to… Read more »

April 18, 2023

What is it like to do Zúme training as a couple?

Beth and William Sawyer started dating in eighth grade, married after high school, and have been married for 33 years. The couple live in a sparsely populated county in North Carolina, far from population centers and seemingly disconnected from the global church. But when asked about their experience with Zúme online training, Beth and William… Read more »

August 17, 2022

New Believer Course

Our friends at “The Salvation Poem” released a new believer’s video course. It is currently available in Brazilian Portuguese, English, Farsi, Italian, Luganda, Romanian, and Spanish. You can check it out and share it with new believers in your life at

November 11, 2021

Scalable Training in 40 Languages and Counting

In 2016, God brought together a multi-organization and lay leader group of volunteers to launch a scalable online disciple making movement training called the Zúme Project. With no confidence in a brand, but in great confidence in what Jesus promised to do through the yeast (zúme is the Greek word for yeast) of the Kingdom… Read more »

September 22, 2021

Experiencing New Wineskins

by: Jon Luseink Upsetting the Equilibrium Tim Ahlen was blessed to be part of what some called “the most significant evangelistic and missionary strategy that Southern Baptists ever came up with.” The Key Church Strategy inserted a highly trained “minister of missions” into a struggling churches such that they could double market penetration in three… Read more »

April 30, 2021

Zúme on Zoom Makes Global Impact

What do Vietnam, India, Germany, France, South Africa, Eswatini, Kenya, Nigeria, Brazil, Guatemala, Canada, New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Kentucky, Oregon, California, and Texas all have in common? These are the home locations of the people who signed up for our most recent Zúme Training Course offered online over Zoom. You and those you… Read more »

April 30, 2021

The Importance of Story in Disciple Making

Zach Leighton with Reliant Creative ( interviews Tim Ahlen, a Zúme coach. In this episode, Tim shares his experience with Disciple Making Movement models, specifically highlighting Zume.Training. The insights Tim shares in this episode on church planting and disciple-making are invaluable. Photo by Matheus Bertelli on Pexels

January 29, 2021
kingdom economy

Become a Zúme Coach

So glad you are willing to serve as a Zume Coach! We need many faithful volunteers to serve in many capacities in the using tools like Here are the 16 things we look for serving as Zúme coach. as you know DMM is non-sequential, so please go through the list and cross off… Read more »

October 30, 2020

Zúme Community Covenant

The Zúme Community Covenant helps define the core heart and values of our diverse community. Zúme is a community of practice for those who want to see disciple making movements. We labor to saturate the world with multiplying disciples in our generation.