The coaches and trainers in the Zúme community always rejoice when we hear about how the training impacts lives. When stories are shared with us like the one below, we don’t boast in some cool program we are a part of. Instead, like the Apostle Paul, we declare, “But far be it from me to boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by which the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world…” (Galatians 6:14)
Join us in boasting in the cross of Christ as you read this story of transformation from a recent Zúme training finisher in her own words:
Can I just take a sec to give Him all the Glory!! 802 days ago He transformed me from the biggest tool for the devil, wrecking lives and homes dealing drugs, slinging booze. Heck I even took care of everyone’s kids inside the drug-house and called it “serving.” Fast forward to today 802 days delivered, redeemed and impacting His Heavenly Economy. Blows me Away. Awestruck Wonder. We have over 30 men and women from the new community corrections work release center walking miles to our church every Sunday, (we’ve offered van rides but the freedom and time in the air is desired more) because I used the tools given me here [in Zume training].
One of my persons of peace, heard God knocking and he came running. 17 individuals wanted to be baptized in the river today but only one was granted freedom from His ankle bracelet today. 14 have given their lives to Christ that we know. More beautiful some have invited their families to meet them at church and they’re coming to Jesus together
sister in Christ who completed the Zúme Training this past year
2 more of my Wednesday night kids were baptized today as well. Me the former “trap-mom” getting to be Jesus to these young men. AND getting to work and see the Harvest. I cant even!!! GLORY!!!!
I’m forever grateful for this (ZUME) course. Molding me into a Disciple worth following. A Disciple who makes Disciples. Get this!! Today in Taco Bell a random acquaintance stopped me to tell me that they hear so much about me as a Disciple and my heart to disciple newcomers. Like Wow!!!! Blown Away!!!!
Yes! Yes! And Yes Lord!!!! I see the evidence of your goodness all over my life. Thank you for pursuing me even though I ran so hard. Thank you for sending me! Kingdom work is humbling, miraculous, beautiful and just all the things. May I always walk in alignment with you and the promise you so perfectly attached to my name.