Categoría: YouVersion
diciembre 31, 2019

YouVersion Plan Launched: Kingdom Prayers

Zume community member, Chad, recently published “Kingdom Prayers” which helps you catch a vision for how to pray scripture with kingdom eyes.

Todos sabemos lo importante y poderosa que es la oración. Los discípulos no le pidieron a Jesús que les enseñara a predicar, le pidieron que les enseñara a orar. La oración cambia las cosas y Jesús siempre estaba orando. Seamos como Jesús y aprendamos a orar Oraciones del Reino.

noviembre 19, 2019

LUKE AND II THESSALONIANS Zúme Accountability Groups (YouVersion)

Zume community member, Chad, published for the YouVersion bible app a new Accountability Group series called “Luke and 2 Thessalonians”.

Todos sabemos que debemos leer la Biblia, orar y ser la iglesia, ¿pero qué pasaría si realmente comenzáramos a hacerlo? Los Grupos de Responsabilidad de Zúme son pequeños grupos de 2 a 4 personas que no solo quieren ser oidores de la Palabra, ¡sino hacedores! Si deseas pasos sencillos y prácticos sobre "CÓMO HACER" para ser y hacer lo que Jesús nos llamó, ordenó y creó, entonces comienza este plan.

octubre 26, 2019

GALATIANS Zúme Accountability Group (YouVersion)

We just saw a Zume inspired accountability group devotion plan through the YouVersion bible app. Check it out!

Todos sabemos que debemos leer la Biblia, orar y ser la iglesia, ¿pero qué pasaría si realmente comenzáramos a hacerlo? Los Grupos de Responsabilidad de Zúme son pequeños grupos de 2 a 4 personas que no solo quieren ser oidores de la Palabra, ¡sino hacedores! Si deseas pasos sencillos y prácticos sobre "CÓMO HACER" para ser y hacer lo que Jesús nos llamó, ordenó y creó, entonces comienza este plan.

octubre 15, 2019

New YouVersion Plans: Cornerstone Series

Zume community member, Chad, recently published a new “Cornerstone” series.

What if everyone on planet earth read 4 chapters a day from the Bible? The world would be a better place, but not everyone jumps in with both feet. It really isn’t that much to read and we actually do recommend starting with 4 chapters a day. The Cornerstone Plan is a wonderful place to start.

This cornerstone series helps you simply expand your capacity for daily bible reading.

Cornestone Plan Una vez al Día

Cornerstone Plan Two A Day

Cornestone Plan Tres veces al Día

Cornestone Plan Cuatro veces al Día

octubre 1, 2019

The One Hour Prayer Cycle [YouVersion Plan]

Learn how to pray for an hour with the One Hour Prayer Cycle

El Ciclo de Oración de Una Hora
El Ciclo de Oración de Una Hora

Check out the new One Hour Prayer Guide on the YouVersion Bible app. Keep reading to find out more.

One Hour Prayer Plan Description

Jesus asked is disciples in the garden why they couldn’t stay awake and pray for one hour.

For most of us the thought of praying for an hour seems too far out of our reach, but what if there was a simple way to spend an hour in prayer talking with Jesus?

Paul instructs us to be devoted to prayer. With this YouVersion prayer plan, you can learn how to pray for an hour!

How to pray for an hour

If you want to prayer longer, the Prayer Cycle could come in handy.Go somewhere that is quiet where you can get alone with God.

Track 5 minute increments: You can do this by set a repeating alarm for 5 minutes or just keep an eye on a clock. Another idea is to make a playlist with 12 of your favorite instrumental worship songs that are about 5 minutes each.

1. Praise God

Start your hour in prayer by Praising God. If you’re not sure what you can praise him for then praise him for whatever you’re thinking about right now. You can also praise Him for something special he did in your life last week or for his goodness to your family. There are many things we can praise God for.

2. Wait

Waiting on the Lord is important. Be still and silent and let Him pull together reflections for you.

3. Confess your sins

Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal to you any behavior, habit, practice, attitude, etc. that could be displeasing to Him. Ask Him to point them out and also ask for the things you haven’t yet confessed in prayer. These things should be confessed to the Lord so that you can be cleased.

4. Read the Word

Invest some time in reading the Word of God. The Psalms, the prophets, or bible verses and passages that talk about prayer can be a good place to start.

5. Ask God

Ask God for the things you have on your heart.

6. Intercede for Others

Ask God for other people that are on your heart.

7. Pray the Word

Pray specific parts of the Bible or passages. The are sections in the Bible that are very useful for this type of prayer. Other people’s prayers that appear in the Word and the Psalms can be a good starting point.

8. Give Thanks to God

Thanksgiving is an important type of prayer. If you don’t know what you can give thanks to God for your life, on behalf of your friends, family, and church.

9. Sing to God

Sing spiritual songs that have lyrics that worship or praise God. There are several hymns and also modern songs to choose from.

10. Meditate

Ask God to speak to your heart. Make sure you have a pen and paper ready so you can write down anything that comes from Him.

11. Listen to God

Invest some time in letting the Lord bring everything you read, prayed, sung, etc. together so He can speak to you.

12. Praise God

Praise God once more for the time you spent with Him and the things He spoke to you. Praise Him for His glorious attributes.

Further Reading

Read more on How to spend an hour in prayer at the Zúme.Training site.

septiembre 20, 2019

Ephesians Zúme Accountability Group [YouVersion Plan]

Check out this new accountability group plan published with YouVersion as an extension of the Zume vision network.

Todos sabemos que debemos leer la Biblia, orar y ser la iglesia, ¿pero qué pasaría si realmente comenzáramos a hacerlo? Los Grupos de Responsabilidad de Zúme son pequeños grupos de 2 a 4 personas que no solo quieren ser oidores de la Palabra, ¡sino hacedores! Si deseas pasos sencillos y prácticos sobre "CÓMO HACER" para ser y hacer lo que Jesús nos llamó, ordenó y creó, entonces comienza este plan.

Ephesians Zúme Accountability Group YouTube Plan

septiembre 1, 2019

New YouVersion Plan: Come, Let’s Go! Discipleship In Evangelism

The Zúme community launched a new devotional plan with YouVersion bible app. Check it out!

Tres veces en 1 Samuel, Jonatán le dijo a su joven escudero: "¡Ven, Vamos!" Tres veces en Apocalipsis 22, Jesús dijo: "¡Vengo pronto!" Han pasado más de 2,000 años desde que Jesús hizo esta promesa. Jesús dio a la iglesia una tarea sencilla. Se llama la Gran Comisión. Entonces, iglesia, ¿por qué Jesús aún no ha REGRESADO? ¡Necesitamos el discipulado en el evangelismo! ¡VEN, VAMOS!

agosto 15, 2019

Acts Zúme Accountability Group [YouVersion Plan]

Chad, a Zúme community leader, has launched a new accountability group training for the book of Acts.

Todos sabemos que debemos leer la Biblia, orar y ser la iglesia, ¿pero qué pasaría si realmente comenzáramos a hacerlo? Los Grupos de Responsabilidad de Zúme son pequeños grupos de 2 a 4 personas que no solo quieren ser oidores de la Palabra, ¡sino hacedores! Si deseas pasos sencillos y prácticos sobre "CÓMO HACER" para ser y hacer lo que Jesús nos llamó, ordenó y creó, entonces comienza este plan. 

Acts Zúme Accountability Group YouVersion Plan

agosto 1, 2019

New YouVersion Plan: Enduring Through Suffering

Zúme network leader, Chad, has launched with YouVersion a new plan called “Enduring Through Suffering”. (50 day plan)

Perseverar a través del sufrimiento es uno de los ingredientes principales de cada movimiento de multiplicación de discípulos. Se requiere perseverancia guiada por el espíritu tanto para iniciar como para mantener un movimiento. La Biblia promete que en este mundo tendremos problemas y que aquellos que deseen vivir una vida piadosa serán perseguidos. Acompáñanos en este viaje a través de las Escrituras y descubre lo que se necesita para nunca rendirse. No te rindas.