Every Disciple A Multiplier

Every Disciple a Multiplier

So who needs to multiply? Every disciple needs to multiply.

The U.S. Marine Corps has a motto: Every marine a rifleman. Now what does that mean. That seems kind of self-evident. Don’t we want every soldier to be a rifleman. Well, what they mean by that is that every Marine needs to keep their fighting skills sharp.

So who needs to multiply?
Every disciple needs to multiply.

In every branch of the military, people have to demonstrate basic skills at the beginning of their service. Right, that’s what basic training is about. But with Marines they have to regularly pass muster in basic fighting skills. Now others need to do that if they have a combat role, but if they have some other role, you know they’re a cook, or a lawyer, or a file clerk, or something like that. They don’t have to necessarily continually demonstrate expertise in these fighting skills … but Marines do … no matter what their assignment is. Disciples need to be like that with disciple-making, with multiplying disciples.

Why do I say that? Well, in the Great Commission when Jesus says make disciples of all nations, he’s talking to every disciple. How do I know this; it’s because the command is coextensive with the promise. So when Jesus promises I will be with you always to the very end of the age, I think pretty much everyone would acknowledge that that promise is given to every believer.

If that promise is to every believer, then the command is also to every believer.

This concept corresponds to “Simple Definition of Disciple and Church” in session 1 of the Zúme Training

Jesus is saying to all of his followers, go make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey all I have commanded you. Then he’s promising all his followers I will be with you always to the very end of the age.

Más conceptos de multiplicación

Este concepto es parte del “Conceptos de Multiplicación”Serie de Curtis Sergeant. Considere trabajar durante toda la serie y desafiar a alguien que conoce a que lo haga con usted. Vea una lista completa de los conceptos en el artículo titulado "Conceptos de multiplicación".

Este mismo concepto se enseña en el curso de Entrenamiento Zúme course using video animation and is translated into 40 languages. Explore the article “Definición simple de Discípulo e Iglesia“.

Entrenamiento Zúme es una experiencia de aprendizaje en línea y en la vida diseñada para grupos pequeños que siguen a Jesús para aprender a obedecer Su Gran Comisión y hacer discípulos que se multipliquen.