Estudio bíblico de descubrimiento para buscadores

These two discovery bible studies are designed for helping seekers work through the concepts of hope and the signs of Jesus for his identity of Messiah. These series are intended to be used with the 3/3 group meeting pattern, which you can get an outline for at the online Entrenamiento Zúme.

For more info, see the Guía Integral de Estudio Bíblico de Descubrimiento [2023]

Also consider:
Discovery Bible Study – Starter Series


The hope series focuses on Jesus as the one who brings hope for all kinds of people, especially those you would think might have no access to grace, love, forgiveness and eternal life.

Use the following passages for the “LOOK UP” portion of your group. Your group may need more than one meeting for some of the passages.

Focus for 6 Meetings:

  1. Hope for the sinner: Lucas 18:9-14
  2. Hope for the poor: Lucas 12:13-34
  3. Hope for the runaway: Lucas 15:11-32
  4. Hope for the lost: Lucas 19:1-10
  5. Hope for the grieving: John 11:1-44
  6. Hope for the seeker: John 3:1-21


The signs of John series walks through the mystery of “who is Jesus” and “what kind of person was he” by looking specifically at his acts of power and signs of his identity.

Use the following passages for the “LOOK UP” portion of your group. Your group may need more than one meeting for some of the passages.

Focus for 7 Meetings:

  1. Turning of water into wine: John 2:1-12
  2. Healing of the royal official’s son: John 4:46-54
  3. Healing of the paralytic: John 5:1-17
  4. Feeding of the five thousand: John 6:1-14
  5. Walking on water: John 6:15-25
  6. Healing of the man born blind: John 9:1-41
  7. Raising Lazarus from the dead: John 11:1-46