Without Internet, Electricity, or Literacy… There’s Still Hope in the Light

If you’re anything like me, you spend your whole day—from waking to sleeping—with your cell phone by your side. (Perhaps you’re healthier than me in this way, in which case, well done!) It can be difficult to remember that there are parts of the world where many people don’t have cell phones, or the phones that they have are difficult to power since they don’t have electricity. Could even these people, people without electricity, without cell phones, without even literacy, access digital Gospel material? 

The answer is: of course! One tool that can help them do so is the Torch Audio Bible, produced by Renew World Outreach. The nifty device is solar powered to work in the most remote locations, and it can also function as a flashlight, lantern, and a charger for cell phones. Users can listen to the Bible individually or in a group, since the speaker is designed for groups of up to 50 listeners. 

The Torch was first developed for use crisis zones after natural disasters or wars, but it has also been used in a variety of different contexts. In one situation, software developer Josiah told us on our podcast, the device became a bridge to open people’s hearts to the Gospel in a very closed, dangerous context where it was “taboo” to speak about Jesus. Neighbors of believers in this remote community accepted the Torch because of its cool features—the flashlight, the ability to charge phones—and they listened to Scripture in their language just out of curiosity. After doing so, though, their hearts were softened. Because their believing neighbors had given them the devices, they were more open to hearing about the Gospel. 

In order to multiply disciples in our generation, those disciples must have access to Scripture in their languages. Tools like these audio Bibles are game changers for reaching remote communities with the Gospel so that they can learn, grow, and become disciples who make disciples. 

Go to our podcast for more stories like this from a worldwide community about how you can make a difference from your living room and around the world. 

December 14, 2024

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