A Zúme training participant recently shared his story. You can read it in his own words:
“After learning on making disciples, the simple process outlined has been very helpful. It is simple to learn and replicate. After learning I moved intentionally and prayed. I believed God to lead me and sent me to a place He intended to visit. Then moved intentionally to a village where I meet a man by the name Thomas. I started talking to him and with intention of working out our relationship. He became a Person of Peace and a great door to enter that community. After one month we started a discovery Bible study with his family. Obedient based discipleship, strictly obeying what you have learned and sharing with your neighbor. This has led to increase in our group and multiplication of groups within the village. Also multiplication of disciples and leaders. Now there is a great need to develop leaders to lead groups and sent others to start in other parts of the village. There is a lot happening. Thanks.”