How God is Moving in the Prisons, the Workplace, and the Refugee Community of Kentucky 

Every person working with Zúme has their own story of how it has spread to the people around them, and we love nothing more than hearing those stories! Chad Rehnburg recently shared some of his own stories on our Multiplying Disciples Podcast, which you can check out here or wherever you find your podcasts. 

Chad works with Team Expansion by day and supervises at UPS at night. One night, a young, engaged couple at his job overheard Chad talking with some other employees about Zúme and mission work. It piqued their interest, and Chad soon met up with the couple to get them started on Zúme and hopefully begin a group in their home. These young people are only one of the most recent and local connections that Chad has made. 

Many Somali refugees have found their way to Chad’s home city in Kentucky. One of them, Chad’s good friend and a determined advocate of the Gospel, has started a few Zúme groups in East Africa. Chad continues to maintain contact with him over Messenger, fostering their friendship and encouraging one another to continue in Christ. 

Another friend, Tony, Chad describes as a “person of peace” in his city. Tony spent 36 years in prison, 20 of which in solitary confinement. In that dark and isolated place, he met the God who is the light in the darkness. “And in the last couple years,” Chad shares with pride, “he’s baptized over 400 men out of the prison system.” Tony now serves as chaplain at the same work release house where he used to be an inmate, discipling a dorm of 20 men deep in his former situation and showing them the changing power of God. He continues to make disciples despite enduring persecution. “It’s simple, but it’s not easy,” Chad says. “It’s just amazing watching what God can do when ordinary people say, “I’m in. Sign me up! I wanna live my life on mission.” 

Zúme can connect you to people across the street or around the world, all from your computer at home. If you want to be a small part in the bigger picture of the expansion of God’s kingdom, find out more at Zúme.Training. Add your stories to the dozens we hear every day of the small and remarkable ways that God works through His people. 

May 25, 2023

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