Michael has used the “Pray4Movement” as a platform to involve others in regular and deliberate prayer for target areas. This tool enables a untied effort to focus on a county, state, country, or larger area such as North America, and can be used by others in any nation. Michael has a goal to set up 1,000 prayer focus groups within Maryland, addressing each of the state’s 24 counties and covering its communities. Prayer teams go out within the community and pray for each home, and distribute door knockers to let residence know they are being prayed for. This has proven to be greatly effective and has yielded a wonderful response with people in the community. Not only does prayer work to enhance evangelism, but it also helps each believer’s relationship grow deeper with God. The power of prayer becomes evident when evangelists work in unison with God.
Michael is involved with outreach ministry in Maryland, and he actively uses the Zúme tools and “Pray 4 Movement” to evangelize and impact the world for Christ. He fervently believes that prayer is the foundation of any productive discipleship effort, and he gives tips and experiences that can help others reach the lost. Michael encourages a strengthening of individual prayer life as well as joining with others locally and globally in corporate prayer to break down barriers to evangelism.