Zúme Community Covenant

Zúme Community exists to saturate the world with multiplying disciples in our generation.

Zúme Community is united by:

  • Our precious Lord and Savior Jesus Christ who prayed for unity in John 17.
  • The list of “ones” in Ephesians 4: one body, one Spirit, one hope, one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all.
  • A commitment to love, celebrate, cheer for, and serve each other regardless of organizational, denominational, brand, or multiplicative training differences.
  • Freely giving training, resources, and insights to others as they pursue Kingdom multiplication among every people group in every place. 
  • The Lausanne Covenant: https://www.lausanne.org/content/covenant/lausanne-covenant#cov 
  • The vision of seeing 1 training and 2 simple churches started among every 5,000 people in the U.S. and 50,000 globally.
  • A commitment to share training and church multiplication Kingdom advances.

Zúme Community’s understanding of Church Planting Movements (CPM) and Disciple Making Movements (DMM) is that:

  • Only God can start movements, but disciples can follow biblical principles to pray, plant, and water the seeds that can lead to a book of Acts type multiplying movement.
  • The focus is to make every follower of Christ a reproducing disciple.
  • Patterns create regular accountability for both obeying what the Lord is speaking to each person and for them to pass it on to others in a loving environment.  This requires a participative small-group approach.
  • Each disciple is equipped in comprehensive ways (such as interpreting and applying Scripture, a well-rounded prayer life, functioning as a part of the larger Body of Christ, and responding well to persecution/suffering) in order that they might function not merely as consumers, but as active agents of Kingdom advance.
  • Each disciple is given a vision both for reaching their relational network and for extending the Kingdom to the ends of the earth with a prioritization on the darkest places (with a “no place left” mentality).  They are equipped to be able to minister and partner with others in the Body of Christ in both of these environments.
  • reproducing churches are intentionally formed as a part of the multiplying disciples process. The intent in CPM and DMM approaches is that 1) disciples, 2) churches, 3) leaders, and 4) movements can multiply endlessly by the power of the Spirit.
  • Emphasis is not on the specific model of CPM or DMM used (e.g. T4T, DBS, Zúme, Four Fields, etc.) but on the underlying biblical principles of multiplying kingdom movements.
  • CPM/DMM is always preceded by a prayer movement. But once the movement starts it is also marked by extraordinary prayer. Those coming to Christ are highly aware that only God can birth new disciples and churches and they are highly motivated to see God break through the darkness in the lives of their friends and neighbors.
  • The outsider looks for the persons of peace and the households of peace that God has prepared within a society. When these people and groups come to faith, they are immediately equipped to reach others. Since the insiders are the disciple-makers, the new churches can grow in ways that are based on Scripture and adapted to the culture.

Download PDF: https://zume.vision/wp-content/uploads/sites/12/2020/10/Zúme-Community-Covenant.pdf

Source: https://zume.vision/articles/what-is-a-cpm-dmm-approach/

Source: https://zume.vision/articles/what-is-a-disciple-making-movement/

Photo by Cytonn Photography on Pexels