CPM is defined as a Church Planting Movement. DMM is defined as a Disciple Making Movement. These two terms refer to similar approaches to address the vision of seeing movements of multiplying churches.
A CPM/DMM approach is one in which:
- There is awareness that only God can start movements, but disciples can follow biblical principles to pray, plant, and water the seeds that can lead to a book of Acts type multiplying movement.
- The focus is to make every follower of Christ a reproducing disciple rather than merely a convert.
- Patterns create frequent and regular accountability for both obeying what the Lord is speaking to each person and for them to pass it on to others in a loving environment. This requires a participative small-group approach.
- Each disciple is equipped in comprehensive ways (such as interpreting and applying Scripture, a well-rounded prayer life, functioning as a part of the larger Body of Christ, and responding well to persecution/suffering) in order that they might function not merely as consumers, but as active agents of Kingdom advance.
- Each disciple is given a vision both for reaching their relational network and for extending the Kingdom to the ends of the earth with a prioritization on the darkest places (with a “no place left” mentality). They are equipped to be able to minister and partner with others in the Body of Christ in both of these environments.
- Reproducing churches are intentionally formed as a part of the multiplying disciples process. The intent in CPM/DMM approaches is that 1) disciples, 2) churches, 3) leaders and 4) movements can multiply endlessly by the power of the Spirit.
- Emphasis is not on the specific model of CPM/DMM used (e.g. T4T, DBS, Zume, 4 Fields, etc.) but on the underlying biblical principles of multiplying kingdom movements.
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